Email -
Mobile number - 07951 406 214 Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm
How you can help us raise funds
Go shopping

Help Us Make a Difference
We raise money for our group via the easyfundraising app. This can be done from the Apple or Google play store.
It does not cost you any extra money, the retailor donates a percentage to our group.
Follow these steps-
1 - Download the easyfundraising app
2 - Search for Coventry Fibromyalgia Group, choose us as your cause to donate too
3 - Type in the retailor you would like to shop with, there are over 7000 retailors that donate, and go shopping.
4 - You can activate the donations reminder button, that way if you shop online through a different browser, you won't miss a donation.
Thank you in advance for signing up to help us raise much needed funds to help us to continue to run our support group.